Grief Support Group Offered at CHI St. Luke’s Health
LUFKIN, TEXAS (January 23, 2017)” No matter the circumstances, grief recovery can be difficult and painful. CHI St. Luke’s Health-Memorial will again host GriefShare, a special seminar and support group to help members of the community to grieve in a positive way. “Grief Share is a safe, loving environment where folks learn that they are…
Holiday Sleep Tips for Kids Help Parents Keep the Season Bright
The holidays can pose great challenges for parents who must juggle seasonal excitement and overtired kids. Saint Joseph’s University sleep expert and Professor of Psychology Jodi A. Mindell, Ph.D., offers the following suggestions for parents to help kids navigate high spirits and the need for rest. • Make sure that the bedtime hour —…
Ancient Chinese Malaria Remedy Fights TB
A centuries-old herbal medicine, discovered by Chinese scientists and used to effectively treat malaria, has been found to potentially aid in the treatment of tuberculosis and may slow the evolution of drug resistance. In a promising study led by Robert Abramovitch, a Michigan State University microbiologist and TB expert, the ancient remedy artemisinin stopped the…
Tired T Cells
In a bid to better understand the gene expression patterns that control T cell activity, researchers at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology mapped genome-wide changes in chromatin accessibility as T cells respond to acute and chronic virus infections. Their findings, published in the Dec. 20, 2016 issue of Immunity, shed light on…
Nursing Unit Receives Vital Sign Monitors from Volunteer Auxiliary
LUFKIN, TEXAS (December 8, 2016)… The Volunteer Auxiliary at CHI St. Luke’s Health-Memorial recently donated 2 Vital Sign Monitors, each worth more than $2,900, to the K4 Nursing Floor. Volunteer Auxiliary President, Don Newland, along with Volunteer Doris Harkness presented the monitors to members of the K4 nursing team including Deidra Taylor, Jill Loftice, Arceli…
How To Enjoy The Holidays Despite Chronic Pain
The holidays are a time when everyone is encouraged to be of good cheer. But this joyous time of year is a lot less merry for those suffering from chronic bad backs, migraines, arthritis and other pain-inducing ailments. “Any kind of pain can seriously affect your quality of life,” says Dr. Tom Macek, an anesthesiologist…
CHI St. Luke’s Health Spreads Christmas Joy to Newest Arrivals
LUFKIN, TEXAS (December 9, 2016)… CHI St. Luke’s Health-Memorial Lufkin is sending a little Christmas joy home with each new family. Thanks to the Epsilon Kappa Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, an international social, service and cultural organization for women, each baby born in the month of December will receive a tiny red stocking…
Nursing Unit Receives Vital Sign Monitors from Volunteer Auxiliary
LUFKIN, TEXAS (December 8, 2016)… The Volunteer Auxiliary at CHI St. Luke’s Health-Memorial recently donated 2 Vital Sign Monitors, each worth more than $2,900, to the K4 Nursing Floor. Volunteer Auxiliary President, Don Newland, along with Volunteer Doris Harkness presented the monitors to members of the K4 nursing team including Deidra Taylor, Jill Loftice, Arceli…
Woodland Heights Now Offering Low Dose CT Lung Cancer Screenings
Woodland Heights Medical Center is now offering low dose CT scan lung cancer screening, the first and only cost-effective test proven to significantly reduce lung cancer deaths. More than 220,000 people in the U.S. alone will be diagnosed with lung cancer this year and nearly 160,000 people will die from the disease – more than…
Pain Free Blood Glucose Monitoring Device Developed
SPRINGFIELD, MA… Western New England University professors Dr. Ronny Priefer and Dr. Michael Rust have developed a hand-held breathalyzer that allows individuals to painlessly check their blood glucose levels. Instead of using the traditional finger-stick testing, patients blow into a breathalyzer to detect the acetone levels in their breath, which have been linked to high blood…